I was worried about mites crawling back up into the hive w/ it sitting on the table, so I put the hive on cinder blocks to give it plenty of drop distance. I will also put some D. earth under the hive after it rains today.
I found one hive beetle in my AJ's beetle eater, two running on the top lip with 2 wax moth larvae and one moth. I squished all of them with my hive tool.
The bees seem to be in bad temperament today when moving them onto the bricks. Probably stung 10 time on my gloves. A storm is rolling in so maybe that accounts for the foul mood.
Today is the first time I have seen the queen since I installed the package.
The picture of comb is a frame that was drawn from a popsicle stick starter. The cells looked huge. I will have to take a ruler out next time and measure the cell size. These bees were supposed to be reduced to small cell already, but it looks to be at least 5.2mm. Maybe because its honey storage area? If so then what does it do when we give them sheets of small cell to store honey? I would like to move to all foundationless. I believe they need differant sizes for differant use.
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